
Residential Fresh Water Aquarium

What: Residential Fresh Water Aquarium – Centre Piece Display Tank

When: Completed in 2022 

This 1500 x 1200 x 1000mm aquarium, constructed from 19mm low iron glass with a laminated CNC brace and Flow to Go floating base, holds approximately 2000 liters of water. 

The filtration system features a mechanical fleece filter for pre-filtration, followed by a biological filter using the Biocenosis (anoxic) filtration method for enhanced water quality. The aquascape was designed by George Farmer as a planted display, yet it housed freshwater stingrays, a specimen arowana, and a group of Stendker discus. 

Lighting was provided by two Reef Brite Metal Halide hybrid units, ensuring optimal conditions for both plant growth and fish health. This stunning aquarium served as a striking centrepiece within the home. 

United Kingdom
Display, Freshwater, Residential