Aquarium Connections Coral Spawning and Restoration systems

Aquarium Connections is proud to be pioneering the design and build of coral restoration systems, working alongside leading coral scientists and philanthropists all over the world. Through meticulous development of our ex situ aquatic systems, we have created and continue to develop a range of specialised systems, this includes fully functional coral spawning labs to support coral restoration projects.

Our coral restoration systems are available in stock configuration for installation within your existing facility or a complete stand alone self contained lab. A bespoke service is available to ensure you’re able to have the coral restoration system that best fits your needs and restoration goals. Our novel V shaped coral grow out raceway design, can also be integrated to provide an ideal land based environment for micro fragmentation or grow out of juvenile spawned coral.

The systems

Aquarium Connections Coral Spawning and Restoration systems

Aquarium Connections Coral Spawning and Restoration systems

Aquarium Connections Coral Spawning and Restoration systems

Aquarium Connections Coral Spawning and Restoration systems

The results

Aquarium Connections Coral Spawning and Restoration systems

Coral scientists across 12 different countries, are using Aquarium Connections designed and built coral spawning systems and they are taking their research to the next level. There are now over 70 systems being used worldwide.

You can see some of the results via the following published papers:

Coral spawning system gallery